Museum of Somerset Workshops
Our interactive museum workshops are available throughout the year. Workshops are all 90 minutes long unless otherwise stated, and suitable for up to 35 pupils. We can adapt some of our workshops to suit different needs and age groups, so please ask if you have any special requirements.
Occasionally, we provide special workshops, projects and resources linked to events or temporary exhibitions.
Many of our museum workshops can be complemented by ordering related loans packs, which will help bring learning to life back in the classroom.

Dinosaur Dig KS1
Unearth the world of fossils, bones and dinosaurs, with this super science-based workshop! Take part in your very own palaeontological dig, explore prehistoric life in the museum, decorate a fossil to take home, and find out what Somerset was like millions of years ago.

Castle Explorers KS1
A fun-filled history investigation for younger children, introducing concepts of chronology and defence. Learn about Taunton Castle and its fascinating history. Explore fortresses through the ages, take part in crafts inspired by knights and castles, dress up in courtly clothing, and much more besides!

Roman Way KS1/KS2
Find out what the Romans did for us with this entertaining investigation. Discover how people lived and dressed in Roman Somerset, handle real Roman artefacts found in our county, try your hand at writing Roman-style, and make an artwork inspired by the famous Low Ham mosaic.

Stone Age Somerset KS1/KS2
Travel back in time to Stone Age Somerset with this fascinating practical workshop. Explore ancient objects, animals and tools on a unique museum tour, led by a member of the team. Handle real Stone Age relics, try on Stone Age clothing, make your own artefacts and find out whether you’re smarter than Neolithic man!
Please note: this workshop can be combined with ‘Digging Deep in the Bronze Age’, for a full Prehistory Day experience.

Digging Deep in the Bronze Age KS1/KS2
Become an archaeologist during this action-packed workshop. Excavate and handle real Bronze Age objects, explore our museum collections, and make your own Wick Barrow beaker using ancient methods.
Please note: this workshop can be combined with ‘Stone Age Somerset’, for a full Prehistory Day experience.
Visit Information
The Museum of Somerset
Taunton Castle
Castle Green

Tudor Life KS2
What was life like for people in Tudor Somerset? This workshop will help you find out! Explore Tudor costumes, objects and writing, then visit our amazing Almshouse, where you’ll get really hands-on with history.
Please note: this workshop can be adapted to feature a Tudor portraiture activity.

Saxon Somerset KS2
History comes alive with this brilliant interactive experience. Discover King Alfred and his defence of Wessex against the Vikings; become a Saxon warrior, and take part in a fierce battle re-enactment. Learn how ordinary people lived, explore the museum collections, and make your very own Saxon-inspired objects.
Please note: we offer either a ninety-minute workshop or a whole-day Saxon experience.

Cool Curators: How Museums Work KS2
NEW for 2017
Just what does a museum curator do? Find out, and try it for yourself, with this fascinating practical workshop. Learn how to protect precious objects, combat pesky museum pests and build your own museum exhibition using artefacts from the collections.

Go Wild! Animals and Habitats KS2
NEW for 2017
Discover the wonderful world of wildlife with this hands-on scientific investigation. Explore our animal-related collections, construct food webs, and find out about Taunton as an urban habitat, as well as creating your own crazy creature inspired by Somerset legend.

Rebels: Somerset, the Civil War and the Monmouth Rebellion KS2
NEW for 2017
An exciting workshop exploring Somerset's rebellious past! Investigate objects and documents from our collections, create crafts inspired by historical events, and explore the place where the Monmouth rebels spent their last night before execution.
Please note: we offer either a ninety-minute workshop or a whole-day Rebel experience.
Opening Times
Tuesday to Friday
10.00am – 5.00pm
A maximum of 35 students can participate in each workshop, and we can facilitate two separate workshops per day.
Our 90 minute workshops usually run from 10.00 am - 11.30 am, and then 12.30 pm - 2.00 pm.
Whole-day workshops generally take place from 10.00 am - 2.00 pm, with an hour's break for lunch.
Lunch space can be provided free of charge with any booked workshop, or can be hired for £15.
We also offer the option of a self-guided visit to the museum. With our self-guided school trail, pupils can explore the museum's main galleries, and journey chronologically through the history of Somerset. Self-guided trails can accompany a workshop to create a full day at the museum, or can be done independently. All self-guided visits are free, but please complete the booking form and contact us to book.
Teachers are welcome to make a pre-workshop site visit, in order to prepare more fully for your trip to the Museum of Somerset, please contact us using the information at the bottom of the page to arrange.
Our workshops are extremely popular, so we advise booking early in order to avoid disappointment. If you would like to book simply complete the booking form and return it to us. If you have any questions or for further information, please contact us.
Booking and Contact

01823 347451

Workshop Prices